Is “Coverage” synonym for “Quality”?

As a good tester, surely more than once you have considered looking at the coverage of your tests on the scope of a project. This indicator allows you to know, through the execution of a test suite, which lines of code have been executed and which have not, allowing programmers to see if there are parts of the code that are not being tested. Many times the detail ends up summarized in a percentage of code that is being executed, which is the measure that is most often taken into account when talking about this concept.

Many of the programmers I know establish as a goal to reach 100% coverage of their projects, in the aims of achieving a code robust in terms of quality. They tend to believe that covering the whole code will make sure you do not leave anything to check, and thus satisfy all testing needs.

But, is that statement true? 100% coverage makes me sure that my code will be wonderful? Can I say that my code is well tested if I have a good coverage?

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Changing desktop scaling on demand in Ubuntu

After a (I have to say) really nice experience with Windows 10, I decided to give a try again to Ubuntu in my Ultrabook. In particular, after a long time out of the Desktop Linux world, I chose to try Kubuntu as I heard amazing improvements since the last time I used the KDE desktop (KDE 3) and GNOME, despite being really nice, had some annoyances that I could not stand for long. But not as many as I could imagine I would find while trying to setting up scaling in KDE. Continue reading “Changing desktop scaling on demand in Ubuntu”

Prevent PHP code execution in a folder with .htaccess

With this trick, we will be able to avoid the execution of PHP code in an specific folder of our Apache web server.

With this trick, we will be able to avoid the execution of PHP code in an specific folder of our Apache web server.

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(Spanish) Actualizar CyanogenMod en HTC Magic

Pantalla de inicio de CyanogenMod

Hoy, ya que es un día que por fin tengo un poco de libertad, he decidido dedicarme a actualizar mi HTC Magic a la versión 6.1 de Cyanogen. Anteriormente, ya tenía la 6, pero tenía algún que otro problema menor y espero poder solucionarlo con la actualización.

Parto de un HTC Magic de Vodafone España con las siguientes características:

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